Department of Geology

About the Department & the Subject

The Department of Geology was established in the year 1966 with an intake capacity of mere 10 students, which has gone up to 150 plus. The Department offers Geology as one of the core subjects to students pursuing their bachelor’s programme in science. Currently, the Department of Geology is equipped with Smart Classrooms for teaching, two fully equipped Labs, a well-organized geological museum having a large collection of rare geological specimens, One HOD Chamber, One Lab assistant Room with an attached store, one Computer equipped with a printer and a broadband facility. The Department has two sanctioned posts. In addition, the non-teaching staff consists of one Lab Assistant and a Lab Barrier.

The curriculum for the B.Sc. Geology Programme has been designed with an aim of encouraging broad instructional goals and supporting the growing demands and challenging trends in the educational scenario. It targets at providing an environment that encourages, promotes and stimulates the intellectual, professional and personal development of the student. The curriculum caters to the all-round development of the student, preparing globally ready individuals for the fast pacing world. The bachelor’s degree program in Geology provides the foundation for prospective geologists to pursue a graduate-level education or find an entry-level career.


The vision of establishing the Department of Geology is to produce competent students with a basic knowledge of the subject. The aim is to nurture students with a potential to innovate, invent and disseminate knowledge for the benefit of society and the environment. Moreover, the Department is destined to promote, support and facilitate the development of the subject. The graduated students get equipped with excellent theoretical knowledge and practical skills which fulfils our vision to promote scientific temperament and community services.


The course introduces students to the complexity of the earth’s system and the interactions among its various Geospheres like lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere. It is imperative to internalize fully the fact that human existence depends on these Geospheres and hence, the necessity to develop a sense of responsibility for environmental sustainability is the need of the hour. Field trips and reports make an important part of the syllabus prescribed by the authorities. This enables the students to study the subject outside the classroom and act as a source of information for society and decision-makers.


1Prof.(Dr.)Khurseed Ahmad ParrayPh.DSr. Assistant Professor7889646930