Principal’s Message

Dear Student,

There is no denying the fact that present age is the age of information and our economy is largely knowledge based economy. Post modern age is the age of digits, of bytes and of communication networks and here, we are what we are able to present ourselves. Our identity is manifested by our image in the world of web. We don’t matter if we can’t be googled. To have existence, an institution has to be framed by Information & Communication Technology (ICT) or it doesn’t count. As such website of an institution and its continuous up- gradation is among the most important academically fruitful tools for dissemination of information to the wider public in general and students in particular. It is in this backdrop that the college administration decided to redesign its website and keep it updated on daily basis to cater the requirements of students and other stake holders.

I feel greatly delighted in presenting this website to the esteemed viewers – the students, the faculty in different disciplines and others concerned for their academic and intellectual growth. The ultimate aim is to bring the college on wider intellectual horizon of the State. A ready and daily updated website will document various academic, curricular and extracurricular activities, new developments, announcements and, shall stand a witness to the entire spectrum of activities with which the college is abuzz. While as every care seems to have been taken by the concerned in preparing and developing it in the best possible and presentable manner, nevertheless presence of foibles and pitfalls cannot be ruled out. Improvement is a constant and continuous process. I assure the viewers that the college shall endeavor an unending process of self-improvement in every sphere including the maintenance and updating of the college website so that in the days to come the information on it is of greater use for its viewers and improves both qualitatively and quantitatively.

I hope the concerned will find the present format useful. “Judge not” and keeping to our svadharma – our duty – should be our motto. Without worrying about fruits of our actions or failures that may come to goad us higher on our way, we need to remember that great people have no time to criticize others. Looking with a positive attitude on life’s problems ensures that we never fail and our apparent failures are only stepping stones to our successes.

Prof. Bashir Ahmad Parry