The Department of Management Studies at Government Degree College Sopore has been established with a vision to achieve exceptional excellence in the field of Business Studies by way of creating pool of resources and fostering entrepreneurial capacity and managerial talent among students who with their core self-competence, can carve out their own niche in the highly competitive challenging world. The mission of the department is to nurture and shape positive attitude, competencies and capabilities among the students who can apply entrepreneurial skills, management concepts, tools and techniques, and ethical principles in sustaining/creating socially responsive organizations, institutions and enterprises that are vital for the growth and development of the region, nation and the world at large.
Our Department shall imbibe technical knowledge, leadership, entrepreneurship, critical business thinking among our students to remain competent in every sphere of the life and showcase exemplary business mindset towards individual, institutional and societal and development.
About the Department
The department of Management Studies has been working tirelessly in achieving milestones of providing quality business education to students who have strong desire to pursue Business as career path. Keeping our commitment towards development business studies as a area of career choice, we have continuously worked to achieve far excellence, details of some of our best achievements are given here under:
- All teaching and learning activities of all semester related to Bachelors Programme in Business Administration (BBA) are being imparted on digital platform only with the use of smart classroom technologies supported with high speed Wi-Fi Fiber based Internet Connectivity & Virtual Cloud for downloading study material lectures etc. We have created knowledge base for showcasing of Video Lectures from Experts from Industry and renowned institutions of India to online case studies and lecturing.
- Our department has identified need for skill development among our presently enrolled students, students who have passed out from the institution and those who are in need of specialized skill training to augment their career trajectory. Keeping same into consideration proposal was submitted to University Grants Commission to which four skill development courses were sanctioned in year 2018-19 to our College. For which Rs. 2 Crore is the allocation out of which Rs. 1 Crore has been received for imparting training on courses as under:
a. Certificate Course in Retail Management – 50 Students
b. Certificate Course in Int. Business Management – 50 Students
c. Certificate Course in Tourism & Hospitality Management – 50 Students
d. Certificate Course in Information Technology – 50 Students. - Ministry of Minority Affairs GOI has approved Workshop on Career Counselling & Awareness about its Schemes to our College. The sanction of the same was received in year 2019-20 along with the funding. The workshop was conducted in first week of April 2021 at SKUAST – K Shalimar Srinagar in association with JKEDI, Deptt. Of Industries, Deptt. of Horticulture and other line departments.
- National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) Deptt. of Science & Technology GOI through Entrepreneurship Dev. Institute of India Ahmedabad has sanctioned two Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps which shall be conducted on September 2020. For which Rs. 40000/- has been sanctioned by EDI Ahmedabad. Which were conducted in the month of April 2021 in which resource persons highlighted key entrepreneurial / livelihood schemes. In the programme about 250 students participated along with College Faculty.
- Proposal was submitted to MHRD for registration of our College under UNANAT BHARAT ABHIYAN which has approved and our College has been selected as implementing agency for promotion of Rural Livelihood Activities in eight villages in the Kashmir Division.
- National Skill Dev. Council of India has accredited our College as Training Provider. Approval from NSDC along with permission has been received for setting up of Skill Training Centre in our College.
- Ministry of Medium Small Micro Enterprises (MSME) GOI has empanelment of our College as Knowledge Centre for Schemes being implemented by them.
- Proposal submitted for setting up of 200 Seat BPO Training Centre in the College. Shortlisted funds awaited.
Proposals, Vision Documents, Policy Prepared & Submitted
The Department of Management Studies under the leadership of Dr. Owais Charag has prepared and submitted various reports, project and research proposals to various institutions. The details of the same are given here under:
Policy Documents – Skill, Innovation, Incubation etc.
- Institution Innovation Policy
- Roadmap for Skill Development
- Digital Classroom Vision 2020
- Vision Document DIC GDC Sopore
- Action Plan Skill
- Best Practices_GDC Sopore
Proposals Regarding Introduction of Skill Development Courses
- B_Voc_ Agri Business Management
- B_Voc_ Food Technology
- B_Voc_ Retail Management
- B_Voc_ Software Development
- Certificate Course Medical Lab Technologies
Proposals Regarding Introduction of Masters Degree Programmes in Business Administration
Proposals Regarding Skill Development Schemes of UGC & Other Deptt.
Proposals Regarding Skill/Internship/Apprenticeship Prgorammes
- Proposal BPO Sopore Proposal Career Counselling GDC Sopore
- Proposal Incubation Centre GDC Sopore
- Proposal for Advanced Skill Labs GDC Sopore
Proposals Regarding Research Project
Proposals Regarding DST Schemes
Proposals Regarding DBT Schemes
Proposals Regarding Up gradation of Infrastructure
Proposals in-progress
Proposal submitted to NITI Aayog GOI for establishment of Atal Community Innovation Centres under Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog at Govt. Degree College Sopore | NITI Aayog GOI New Delhi | 2020 |
Proposals for Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) Program–2020 | Deptt. of Science & Technology GOI New Delhi | 2020 |
Proposals for Star College Scheme for Strengthening of Science Education and Training at Undergraduate Level | Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi GOI | 2020 |
Proposal for establishment of incubation centre submitted to Ministry of MSME GOI New Delhi Under Scheme “Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of MSMEs through Incubators” A Component of CLCS-TUS | Ministry of MSME GOI New Delhi | 2020 |
Proposal for grant of approval for Starting Masters Degree Programme in Business Administration (MBA). | Deptt. of Higher Education J&K Govt | 2020 |
Proposal submitted for setting up of 200 Seat BPO Training Centre at Govt. Degree College Sopre. The Proposal has been shortlisted funds awaited. | Deptt. of Higher Education J&K Govt | 2020 |
Proposal for Upgradation of Computer Lab to 50 Node Online Exam Testing Centre at Govt. Degree College Sopore | Deptt. of Higher Education J&K Govt | 2020 |
Proposal for Establishment of Incubation Centre (MHRD’s Innovation Cell) For Start Up & Entrepreneurship Development at Govt. Degree College Sopore | Deptt. of Higher Education J&K Govt | 2020 |
Name | Qualification | Designation | Contact | More |
Dr. Owais Charag | Ph.D. | M.Phil | MBA | NET | PGDCA | Assistant professor (HOD) | 7006160337 [email protected] | Detailed CV |
Pirzada Sajad Ahmad | MBA | Financial management | NET | Pursuing PhD | Assistant professor | 9419376112 [email protected] | Detailed CV |